How To Choose A Video Camera

By Alice Harding

Recently I have been researching video cameras because I am in desperate need of a new, more professional one and I have been finding it really challenging to choose one. There are several things that must be considered when thinking about video cameras and to be quite honest I had absolutely no clue where to start, I found it really overwhelming. I would like a video camera to appear so that I can start having a play around and get started on filming, nonetheless I am aware that it is important that I do not rush buying one. I need to find a camera that is well suited to myself and my capabilities, because having a camera that I do not understand would be a nightmare. Choosing a camera is incredibly tough and overwhelming because you have to try and think long term, about the features that you may grow into as you improve your abilities, along with the sort of film-making you will be using it for.

I was able to discover an extremely helpful video blog about how to choose a video camera, it was created by Lambda Films, a video production company based in Norwich. The video was great because not only did it outline five factors which should be considered when it comes to buying a video camera, but it simply gave some really good advice. So I would most definitely recommend this to anyone having trouble with buying a video camera. I will briefly summarize what the video said was important to take into consideration.

To begin with, the blog explains that it is a essential to consider how much manual control you will need, this means the ability to effect the exposure or the brightness of the image, the focus and the depth of field. It tends to be the more manual control the camera has the more expensive this will be, so this is important to think about in regards to your budget. However, if you can afford it and are comfortable and confident in manual control then usually the best results are are achieved this way. Another feature that is important when looking at cameras, is the audio capability. The sound is so vital for moving image so it is important check whether there is a decent microphone built in. Because if not then you will need to buy a separate one to pick up the audio, if this is the case then you will need to double check if there is a microphone jack to plug in an external microphone.

As well as this, the majority of cameras you will be looking at will be tapeless unless you are looking specifically for one which will require tape instead. However, generally speaking HD cameras will record onto memory cards. Which is very beneficial for a number of reasons, firstly less risk of the tape breaking and as a result losing footage. Secondly it also means that there is less noise when recording and finally, memory cards are reusable, therefore will work out as being cheaper in the long run.

The majority of cameras you will be looking at will be tapeless unless you are looking specifically for one which will require tape instead. However, generally speaking HD cameras will record onto memory cards. Which is very beneficial for a number of reasons, firstly less risk of the tape breaking and as a result losing footage. Secondly it also means that there is less noise when recording and finally, memory cards are reusable, therefore will work out as being cheaper in the long run.

So, there are the main points to consider when looking to buy a video camera that where mentioned in the video blog. All of which are vital, I am so glad that I came across this video because it has given more direction when looking at video cameras. I now know what to look for and the questions to ask.

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